Appendix A: Terminology

  1. Blockchain Realm: A super set of networks running heterogenous blockchain protocols.
  2. Storage Realm: A super set of networks running heterogenous decentralized file storage protocols.
  3. Infrastructure Realm: A global network of computational hardware eligible for formally verifying the transactions & achieve network consensus.
  4. Solutions Realm: A sub set of the network with live applications & re-usable templates to augment business logic & processes.
  5. Digital Fabric: An evolutionary protocol that binds multiple protocols together for a business goal addressed across multiple verticals of its application.
  6. Protobuf: A library of methods used to serialize structured data; used by the programs to communicate with each other for persisting data in a network medium.
  7. Trust Quotient: A score attributed to an account of specific type, derived based on the activities and the result of actions.
  8. State Channel: A state channel in KIP is constituted by a network of nodes forming a consortium in a dynamic manner, agreeing to formally verify the transactions belonging to a certain set of asset classes.
  9. Single floor communication: KIP's PoV of a 'single floor communication' is to expect formal verification of transactions by every node participating in the network, without the need for eligibility to participate in consensus & associated activities.
  10. Kademlia bucket lookups: A method of evaluating the distance between the nodes by applying the XOR function to the Node ID(s) or their keys.
  11. Shadow broadcasting: A novel method of selective hearing introduced in the TARA Framework to achieve preferential consensus among the sub-set of the nodes in the network.
  12. Shadow broadcasting: A novel method of selective hearing introduced in the TARA Framework to achieve preferential consensus among the sub-set of the nodes in the network.
  13. Swarm key: An experimental feature which facilitates the creation of private IPFS network by generating a key in an IPFS node, sharable across the network.