Proposed System
- We propose a composite system with extended abilities to support better network attributes by approaching existing limitations with sentinel scalability, modulated trust, and actor-based throughput.
- The proposed system extends the value measuring capabilities in a blockchain-alike transactional environment with Total Digital Utility(TDU) scores.
- Also, the economical uncertainty in performing transactions on the blockchain is addressed by the method of stable gas costing mechanism.
We discuss each of approaches here in detail:
Sentinel Scalability
KIP leverages TARA(Ternary Augmented Raft Architecture)[3], an enhanced version of RAFT[4] algorithm, for high-frequency consensus, simplified service discovery & dynamic node management.
TARA provides multi-faceted abilities to manage a network of distributed systems by managing nodes in a graph format. Analogous to vertices connected acyclically by drawing edges in a graph, nodes are connected by an RPC(Remote Procedure Call)[5] connection between them. The RPC connections establish a network in a hybrid manner.
Each node in the KIP system is defined in the following structure:
type Node struct {
state NodeState // Whether an Orphan, Follower, Candidate OR a Leader
role NodeRole // Whether is under service, star or master subnet
eventmux *event.TypeMux // Event multiplexer used between the services of a stack
config *Config
accman *accounts.Manager
ephemeralKeystore string // if non-empty, the key directory that will be removed by Stop
instanceDirLock flock.Releaser // prevents concurrent use of instance directory
serverConfig p2p.Config
server *p2p.Server // Currently running P2P networking layer
serviceFuncs []ServiceConstructor // Service constructors (in dependency order)
services map[reflect.Type]Service // Currently running services
rpcAPIs []rpc.API // List of APIs currently provided by the node
inprocHandler *rpc.Server // In-process RPC request handler to process the API requests
ipcEndpoint string // IPC endpoint to listen at (empty = IPC disabled)
ipcListener net.Listener // IPC RPC listener socket to serve API requests
ipcHandler *rpc.Server // IPC RPC request handler to process the API requests
httpEndpoint string // HTTP endpoint (interface + port) to listen at (empty = HTTP disabled)
httpWhitelist []string // HTTP RPC modules to allow through this endpoint
httpListener net.Listener // HTTP RPC listener socket to server API requests
httpHandler *rpc.Server // HTTP RPC request handler to process the API requests
wsEndpoint string // Websocket endpoint (interface + port) to listen at (empty = websocket disabled)
wsListener net.Listener // Websocket RPC listener socket to server API requests
wsHandler *rpc.Server // Websocket RPC request handler to process the API requests
stop chan struct{} // Channel to wait for termination notifications
lock sync.RWMutex
wherein the state and mode attributes are enumerated as follows:
type NodeState int32
const (
ORPHAN NodeState = 0
FOLLOWER NodeState = 1
CANDIDATE NodeState = 2
LEADER NodeState = 3
var NodeStateMap map[common.Hash]uint
type NodeRole int32
const (
IDLE_ROLE NodeMode = 0
STAR_ROLE NodeMode = 2
GRAND_ROLE NodeMode = 3
var NodeRoleMap map[common.Hash]uint
TARA, based on PBFT hardened RAFT facilitates the network with addition and removal of nodes in a dynamic manner. A formal specifications for the same here:
func ParseNode(string enodeURL) {
// Parse node info by its enode:/// URL
func addPeer(Node node) {
// Add the peer into a specific network
func (n *Node) setPeerRole() error {
// Update the status of the node under its type definition
func (n *Node) getPeerRole() error {
// Get the current role of the specified node by its type definition
func removePeer(Node node) {
// Remove the node from the specified network & revoke all access
TARA leverages raftpb[6] - The Protobuf[7] implementation for RAFT from CoreOS' etcd[8] package to manage & broadcast network level changes due to addition or removal of peers.
Fig 1: KIP - Sentinel Scalability and node management with NTQ
KIP's approach to achieving sentinel scalability is by observing the interest of the new nodes joining the network, hosted by interested parties called verifiers. Each node is vetted for reliability & commercial viability by a benchmarking program that receives the above mentioned interests as input from the owners of the node.
KIP's node benchmark program calculates the reliability based on 2 criteria:
Hardware specifications:
The program collects the host's following hardware information:- CPU's architecture,
- Number of CPU(s),
- Thread(s) per core,
- CPU's frequency,
- Total cache size,
- Total main memory,
- Available space in the reserved partition,
- OS type & version, and
- Kernel build
The collected attribute values are aggregated to find the mean score, upon which the node is declared valid under a tier or vice-versa.
Description 4.1:
$$ \Delta $$
- Network Specifications:
The benchmark programs then communicates with the node by sending a specific number of arbitrary messages in an encapsulated virtual network to calculate the responsive potential of the node. The measured throughput is compared with the average throughput of all the nodes in the network.
Description 4.2:
$$ \Delta $$
- Interest Verification:
The benchmark program also keeps track of the transactions verified by the node for a brief period of time. The monitoring is kept under observation to reserve the interest of the new node in the network & to eliminate bad actor interests from the network. The aggregate of number of transactions dropped over the time observed is compared for shaping the Node Trust Quotient (NTQ) in full.
Description 4.3:
$$ \Delta $$
Upon passing the specification tests, the eligible nodes joining the KIP network is considered "orphan" role with only an ability to become a member of the shadow pool verifying shadow broadcasts, until the KIP's network orchestrator adds the peer into a state channel. Once the node is added into a state channel, the node is assigned the "Follower" role & hence entitled to verify the transactions passed on to its state channels. However, all follower nodes belonging to arbitrary state channels are also responsible for verifying the transactions propagated in the shadow broadcasts shared by the grand leader.
Node Lifecycle - Formal Notation:
STEP 1: Initiate a
instance withknode://
urlSTEP 2: Add the peer into the relevant state channels with
STEP 3: Acknowledge the addition of the node with
STEP 4: Node verifies the transactions propagated from both Fast Follow & Shadow Broadcast
STEP 5: Node vests a finite number of KIP tokens & performs its duties for at least minimum duration to contend in the election of star leader
STEP 6: Leadership is transferred to the candidate node with majority votes & shared across the network with
STEP 7: The new star leader receives the transactions passed by the classifier from master nodes & maintains leadership by sharing the heartbeat to all following service nodes in the state channels
STEP 8: Star nodes vest an extra number of KIP tokens to contend in the elections for Grand Nodes & changes to the network leadership is again broadcasted across the network
STEP 8: The election occurs again in case of time-out from the leaders at all levels
STEP 9: Nodes are removed due to malicious attempts or cause of faults with
STEP 10: The network changes are broadcasted & process repeats
Every successful modification to the network will be ratified by the chainExtensionMessage
- a network update heartbeat sent across to all the nodes in the pertaining network by its leader.