Development Realm


Fig 11: KIDE, Krama Services & Developer Tools

To facilitate a seamless environment for the developers and achieve shorter GTM time, KIP offers distinctive features enabling developers at various stages of development ranging from Design to using KIDE for devlopment & Krama Services etc. for reliable production; thereby reducing the significant cost associated with time to launch & maintaining the silo services.

KIDE - Krama Integrated Development Environment

KIDE is a next-gen IDE targeted for collaborative minds in the blockchain. KIDE is a hybrid form of IDE with special abilities to integrate blockchain-based critical business components into existing infrastructures & solution mediums.

KIDE also offers the developers an oversight in targeting a larger pool of audience & effectively utilizing the transactional data created by the users in the business environment. This is made possible by pipelining a few components in a seamless manner:

  • Editor: A browser-based collaborative editor to churn smart contracts in a JS-like or Python-like style. Inspired by Remix IDE, KIDE's editor shall support themes, custom syntax highlighting & a load of other features to comfort the developer.
  • Debugger: KIDE will support a debugger with robust options for breakpoints, trace calls, stacktrace, among few.
  • ATL State Analyzer: KIDE exhibits a new feature of simulating the behavior of the diApps / Smart Contracts with an Automata language-generic State Analyzer injected inline to the debug & build modes.
  • Leypa Injector: KIDE is inspired by web3's vision to integrate & unify the decentralized applications for a seamless user experience. Leypa is injected into KIDE for testing & debugging the diApps in the KIP's main-net or test-net realms.

Leypa is also injected into mobile & web applications referring to a diApp / smart contract deployed in one of the KIP realms as stated above.