
What is KIP ?

KIP is a distributed intelligence protocol that creates hybrid cooperative digital mesh by integrating a new business-ready Gen3 blockchain technology, heterogeneous distributed data, trustable cognition and connected devices.

We live in a digitally intensive era, where people and businesses are interacting continually with specific intents to satisfy requirements of mutual gain. Harnessing value out of such interactions demands tremendous amount of data and advanced models that demand accuracy of the persisted datapoints, yet often arrive at inaccurate results.

Fortunately, Blockchain has uncovered the possibility of persisting univariate timestamped transactions pointing to the occurrence of the event of transactions accurately, but not the intent behind such interactions. Even though, Blockchain technologies are able to showcase provenance of an asset and its underlying transactions, it has been proven inefficient to persist & manage the multivariate payload directly on the Blockchain, due to its data architectural constraints. This is results in a "loss of context".

The issue of multi-variate persistence was rescued thanks to off-chain data storage mechanisms introduced by IPFS, StorJ, Swarm, SIA etc.. Although storing the payload information pertaining to a transaction had become easier, the ability to reap trusted and meaningful contexts out of such transactions have been seldom possible due to the lack of an environment that facilitates distributed application of multi-variate information vectors on the persisted data.

KIP resolves this issue with an elegant multilateral approach:

"Truly distributed intelligence empowered by provenance, creating context with multiple vectors - resulting in meaningful business interactions."

KFS(Krama File System) ensures data management in a truly distributed manner by replicating the state changes of all data types cryptographically without any conflicts across the network.

TDU information vectors are applied to these data at the point of interaction and builds on existing points(“The TDU points in the KIP wallet).

These resulting data points pertaining to a user, shapes the future interactions backed by combinatorial assertion made by AI models & the counterparties of the historical interactions.

This facilitates businesses to experiment new white spaces and offer incremental value to its existing propositions.